Friday, July 6, 2007

My first day at school!!

DATE: June 13, 2007

Woooahhh! My first day at school!!

Waah! Doesn't it make you nervous? Aren't you thinking of being alone?

Have YOU ever think that you'll be alone or HAVING NO FRIENDS??

I'd always tought of it!! We'll you CAN'T blame ME because i'm a new student there!!

The first I really imagined that i'll be a SHY GIRL again!!

We'll I met the teachers and it made me SOOO NERVOUSS!!

Well in the 1st break I saw my schoolmates and ate together and in the lunch I was going to eat alone but then 2 of my CLASSMATES had invited me to eat then the one of them told me to reserved the place then two had came but the table was for only 4 but we had became 5 we made a way to fit it for 5 persons then after an hour of the lunch break then classes had return until it ends and until it dismiss!!

Then I hurried off even my mother was there just for my GRADE 4 last SEENED friend so thats why!!

Then there ends the story!!

♫Hope to recieved some comments from you!!♫